


运作了不到五年. This award celebrates Kosciusko County’s highest performing new companies and recognizes those that have exceeded initial targets for growth and financial performance; best demonstrated an understanding of their competitors, 客户, and the markets they operate in; and have the foundations in place for continued commercial success.

  • 冉冉升起的明星-经营不到五年. This award celebrates Kosciusko County’s highest performing new companies and recognizes those that have exceeded initial targets for growth and financial performance; best demonstrated an understanding of their competitors, 客户, and the markets they operate in; and have the foundations in place for continued commercial success.
  • 提供被提名业务的简要描述, 它的主要活动是在商界. 包括员工人数,工作时间等.
  • 为什么这家企业应该获得这个奖项?
  • 描述您在商会的参与情况,以及商会会员身份对您的业务(网络)改善有何贡献, 好处, 宣传, 等.).
  • 营利性企业:展示企业如何作为慈善合作伙伴参与社区活动.e.、志愿服务、资助活动) 非营利业务:展示非营利组织/协会如何与社区中的其他非营利组织合作
  • 在此删除文件或
    马克斯. 文件大小:300mb.
    " class="hidden">博腾股份 " class="hidden">黄河谷马拉湾